Cody has worked so hard in Cub Scouts the past 2 years. On both sides of the family it's a big honor to be in the scouting program. On my side of the family there are so many. In true Spirit of Scouts they are... My parents of over 35 years, My oldes bro. Shayne was a life Scout & Scoutmaster and his sons Nathan and Josh are Eagles, Tyler is not far behind. Troy is a Eagle and his son Tyson just became the youngest Eagle Scout in the Monney family. Page is a Eagle and his son Colt is in scouts. Chad is an Eagle and his son Wyatt is in scouts. We have cousins that are eagles as well, Gamble, Karl, Shilo Monney. In the Shields family we are as blessed with Pam being there with her boys for over 25 years. Hal is a Eagle and our son Cody is in scouts. James is a Eagle, Jon is a Eagle as well as Colin. Devin is the next to get his. I would say that we have a lot of little scouts in the making as well. I have said the word Eagle to many times to count, but what a great word it is in Scouts. Thanks to you all for being a great Leader in the world today. Here are some pictures of Cody and cousin Wyatt for you to enjoy!!
Hal and I have been married for 15 years. We have two boys, Cody and Hunter. They enjoy going to school, scouts, video games and Lego's. We are always on the Go, Hunter makes sure of that. Hal is working hard as a RN for 6 years now. I'm still at home keeping up with everyone and everything. We live in Hals home town in Ga., enjoying close family and friends.