Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Halloween Night

We went to a Halloween Carnival, at a local church before we did our traditional door to door Halloween trick-or-treating. So here are some pictures from the Carnival we went to. Ohhh yea! We had Cloe with us as well. I don't have any pictures of the "door to door" part of the night but it was great. Hal had to work that night and so we decided to go "trick or treating" with Shilo's family in his neighborhood. Chad, Brooke and Cloe came too. Wyatt was at a party with his friends. We had a really fun time and it was great to be with family. So here are the pictures I promised to show ya!
Here is Cody, Cloe and Hunter on the tricycle race. (going and coming)
This is Cloe and Hunter doing the toilet paper toss!! Very Funny
This is Cody and Hunter fighting as Gladiators!! As you can see in the 2nd picture Cody is the winner because Hunter is falling fast!! They had tons of fun in this one!!

All three of the kids played "Twister" and had lots of fun. In the end Cloe won, She did SUPER as you can see in the last picture!!
Hunter did great but he really just wanted to jump up and down. He did jump one time and messed everyone up and so we had to start a new game. Funnyand........ the winner is Cloe "she won by a split" Great job Cloe!!